Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Cleaning up Biden's war

Some months ago I wrote about the stupidity of the Biden administration fighting a proxy war against Russia. I was, and am pissed at the horrific loss of life caused by politicians conducting an incremental conflict. World War I death rates.

3 years have gone by and Russia is solidly entrenched in Ukraine. Russia, which is nothing more than a glop of dog shit on America's shoe. A 3rd rate military at best.

Obama, (while Biden was sleeping), drew his little stupid red lines - not really, but his incremental support for Ukraine gave Putin more than he deserved. The result is the current mess. 100% Biden's fault.

Trump is going to clean this up. Too late to gain anything worthwhile by pouring more money into Ukraine. Not clear at all that Zelenski is rational.

Time to end this war. If NATO doesn't like it - tough, enough have died.

Putin is a fool. Trump is not.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Who will step up?

 I've been paying attention to politics since Carter and Ford squared off. Now as a geezer I pay a little more attention to political strategy.

And I'm flat out mystified at the Democrat party. Are they really just going to stand on the sidelines and hope Trump explodes? Given his experience, staff, energy and the stench of his predecessor's term, I think "waiting" is retarded. Also, Trump's direction is wildly popular.

Now I know that the libtard-segment of Democrats are making really stupid noise on the irrelevant legacy media (viewed by fives of people) - but the flow of events on X clearly support Trump.

I know Trump is using Elon to drive the Swamp crazy. I know Trump used Vance to bitch slap European pencil-pushers. I'm guessing that each of the rest of Trump's cabinet will take turns making libtard heads explode.

There are probably three "Trumps" waiting in the wings. Conceivably, the Trump legacy could stretch for a generation. I have to believe somebody in the Democrat party understands this. Right?

West coast governors are obvious idiots, East coast states are shitholes, so I can't see anything Presidential on either coast. It is almost like nobody is leading the Democrat party.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Rudderless but Still Dangerous

Trump is making best use of his first 100 days.

Vivek parted company with Elon nicely - likely because Elon's/Vivek's egos forced Trump to make a choice. Sad, but a fact of life with ultra-high performing people. Trump's used to it.

Now the media focus is.. unfocused. Why? Because Trump is moving so fast that the legacy media is always 3 steps behind Trump. By the time they catch up on one issue, Trump has sprinted ahead on two more. Kind of fun to watch.

Normally the Democrats count on the legacy media to run cover for them, which gives them a chance to mislead/shape whatever policy/distraction necessary to advance their cause. Now the Democrat "resistance" is thrashing about, performing to an empty theater. The American public is enthralled with real leadership and in no mood to revisit the stench of the shit-stain(Biden) era.

Democrats are leaderless and they don't have a message that could possibly blunt Trump's momentum. Remember, Trump's momentum is on at least 3 fronts: Staff confirmations, Deportations, and DOGE. And unlike the shit-stain (Biden) years, Trump is leading the Media around - all media not just the largely irrelevant legacy media.

Trump body-slammed California governor Newsom over obvious incompetence. He nuked FEMA over the hurricane Heline response. And of course DOGE revelations are never ending. If the Epstein list is revealed, the older Democrats will be destroyed. If Obama divorces and comes out of the closet, the younger Democrats will be tarnished by association. Who in the Democrat ranks can interest normal Americans right now?

Trumps going to get a pass from the public for at least 6 months because of the (shit-stain) Biden shameless closeout to his Presidency. But this first stuff is easy - the hard stuff is yet to come.

About mid-summer we will know if the American public has the stomach for real change.

Monday, December 30, 2024

My Thoughts on Reality

 I like Donald Trump as POTUS, and I despise Joe Biden. I think that sums up 51% of American voters at this time. The Biden administration is like the stench of an outhouse used by smokers with diarrhea in July.

But I guarantee that Trump is going to stink a bit too - he just isn't on the throne yet. There is campaign Trump and POTUS Trump. I'm not saying Trump is phony like Obama & Biden, because he is not, but I am saying that we need to begin to steel ourselves for reality.

Trump has assembled the best team I've seen since I started voting (Jimmy Carter over Gerald Ford). They are talented but naive. Or perhaps we are naive - still giddy from the victory.

The "swamp" is still in place. The swamp didn't dry up because Trump won, in fact the swamp is more powerful than ever in part because of demented Biden's "fuck you America" actions in his final months. What a shit stain in America's undies..

My prediction is pretty simple, not scientific, based on my gut and is two time intervals - 4 and 20 years. Trump has about a 20% chance of affecting major change in the function of the US government in 4 years. That number increases to 50% at 20 years.

The fight with the swamp will be terrible and will likely destroy much of Trump's team. Senate Republicans, (50% of the swamp), are not going to quietly give up Pharma and Defense industry money, nor will they forgo reelection by fighting the various Federal employee unions. It is not evident to me that Trump has someone on his staff capable of coordinating the attack on the swamp. A frontal attack is suicidal.

However, there are some vulnerable Federal agencies that can be whacked or shuffled. They make up the 20%. Since 80% of an agency's budget is payroll, ( and harder than hell to layoff Federal employees), it is very unlikely that Trump can realize the $2 trillion reduction identified by DOGE. But maybe they will claw back some savings. At least a couple hundred pages of regulations will die.

At the end of 4 years Trump will be spent, Musk will have ships on Mars, Vivek will be helping his children with high school homework, and Tulsi's hair will be snow white. They will have attempted much, accomplished little, but changed the course of the very large ship America.

The course change will slowly set a new direction for America over the next 20 years. There are a number of "Trumps" waiting in the wings of the Republican party. The Democrats have yet to figure out how to get back to center, so I think they will struggle for another election cycle. And when they purge the Democrat party of the leftist loons, their new found centrism will continue the course set by MAGA - perhaps improving.

4 years bloody and bruised. 20 years a revived world leadership. Sober up folks.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cannonball into the swamp

 The biggest obstacle to Trump's agenda is not the US House crazies. The Nancy Pelosi obstruction of Trump's first term will not happen.

The problem is the Senate, particularly Senate Republicans. These creatures ARE the swamp. This is the wannabe ruling class power brokers who have much to lose from Trump's team running roughshod over the Federal bureaucracy.

The first indication of trouble came with the election of S. Dakota Senator Thune. The man does not have the backbone or smarts to whip his Senate colleges into compliance. He's already caved on recess appointments. Thune is certainly better than the reptile Senator John Cornyn, but he's a far cry from MAGA supporter Senator Rick Scott.

The Senate majority leader election showed that the Senate Republicans don't want much to change. Is that a problem? I think so because a chunk of  the Biden legislation needs to be repealed. E.g. do you really want your next car to have a backdoor kill switch that authorities can use whenever without a warrant or due process? These are the same idiots that fired people for not getting vaxed, locked down schools, etc. Well that backdoor kill switch was mandated by Brandon, although I doubt he knew it.

What about the very obvious changes needed to the FDA? Do you think the non-MAGA Senate reptiles are going to give up all that Big Pharma money just because Robert Kennedy says so?

Gonna be a rough couple years IMO.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Future Cat Ladies

 Trump has won, the sun feels ever so warm, the fall colors are beautiful. "I'm thinking to myself - what a wonderful world"

But for those who were heavily invested in a Harris victory, the world is a black & white dystopia where they live in fear that the Orcs of Mordor will soon overtake them.

I recently read "The Parasitic Mind" by Gad Saad that provided pretty good arguments for Trump Derangement Syndrome, the woke mind virus, and the brainwashing than occurs when you submit yourself to a constrained information bubble. It made me consider my "bubble".

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on X by Harris supporters was funny for awhile. After a day though, it ceased to be humorous and it seemed as though I was watching the mentally ill - not funny at all.

Worst of all are the young women punishing Trump supporting men by not dating and withholding sex. I guess this is where their mal-educated views of human behavior are going to get a wake up - their clocks will keep ticking. Time is not on their side.

Meanwhile I'm thinking of investing in pet food stocks - especially cat food.

Monday, October 28, 2024

My Bubble

 I'm anxious about the election. I can't imagine Trump losing, but I know that a lot of libtards aren't voting for Harris as much as not Trump. TDS is very real.

I remember the 2022 midterms. I was shocked at how well the Democrats did even with Biden's abject failures, dementia,  and policies. The country appeared to be rejecting the woke mind virus, yet far-left liberals did quite well. PA voters elected a stroke victim who couldn't understand speech. I remember well the feeling that I didn't understand the mood of the country.

Here I am in 2024, days from an important election. Harris is obviously in over her head and electing her means you're OK with a puppet for 4 years. Trump, oth, is Trump - a tried and true leader. This time he has organized the "avengers" - a team of highly talented people to help him get his administration off to a good start. The choice should be clear. Should be..

I am guilty of blaming our country's woes on GenZ, but that is part of my bubble.

I think that I'm in a bubble partially of my own making. A bubble bias reinforced by X, YouTube and my extended circle. And I may be shocked at the outcome of this election.

I've already walked away from Facebook and Instagram. I never pay attention to the legacy media. I view TikTok as a Chinese psyop tool pointed at GenZ and avoid it. But I have put in the screen time on X, and it has algorithms too.

I know the sun will rise and set even if shit-for-brains Harris wins - life will go on. But I am thinking about my bubble.