The 2020 election shocked me - Trump got his ass whipped by a dementia patient hiding out in his basement.
Now Trump might still not want to admit it, but he got beat by some mighty fine, (and legal), electioneering.
And it is sad that there are so many painfully stupid people who hate Trump because the media told them to do so.
So we've been living with a puppet for POTUS, a man having a great day when he doesn't shit himself on national TV. A man controlled by Ron Klaine and Susan Rice. A man who says, promotes and signs what he is told - a puppet.
The sad thing is that the uber-stupid generation called "GenZ" demonstrated that they are also puppets - as shown by their voting party line for Democrats during the mid-terms. Can anyone honestly defend electing a stroke patient to the Senate? Gonna be a rough couple of decades until GenZ wises up.
Joe Biden has done just about everything wrong. In fact, I can't point to one thing he has done right. But Joe is in dementia bliss - he doesn't give a shit.
Now that the House is Republican, it almost appears that the Progressive Left has discarded Joe like a used Kleenex. Suddenly he is racking up problems with misplaced Classified material at his home, tax problems from payoffs from his son. I get the feeling that the Media is no longer covering for Joe.
Inflation beat the hell out of me in 2022. I keep waiting for the day Fauci is walked to the gallows. And Ukraine has showed us that Russia is a 3rd rate military. "Should Trump run?" seems to be the big question and there are still about 40 million voters who think Joe Biden is a great President.
Elon Musk has done us all a great service by showing the Government sponsored censorship of social media (Google, Facebook, Twitter). He should receive the highest civilian honor.
2023 is going to be fun.