Young men without purpose have always been a problem in every culture. Military and marriage seemed to be the most successful remedies.
Involuntary Celibate - losers. These are young men emotionally incapable of competing in life. They can't lose and learn from it, nor can they win and benefit from it. They can't attract a mate, and they aren't accepted by matured men. We can discuss why they, INCELs, are they way they are another time. I'd like to focus on dealing with their propensity to want to kill a bunch of innocent people.
The media only focuses on shootings when they can be used to advance a narrative. A "narrative" is a story used to explain why things happen and in so doing often misleads the listener. When something shockingly bad happens, naive people are susceptible to really stupid narratives. Right now the media is advancing the narrative that the availability of a certain weapon is the reason for the shootings.
But thinking people reject such blatantly stupid narrative - after all, 99.9999% of owners of "guns of the narrative" do not commit mass shootings.
Who does commit mass shootings? Muslims, crazy people, INCELs. I've researched every mass shooting starting with Columbine and I haven't found one that doesn't fit into one of my neat & tidy categories. But I'm a nobody who is doing nothing more than the obvious.
But back to INCELs. Emotionally stunted losers. No criminal record. No mental health intervention. They pass the NICS background check. Guys that everyone around them knows something is off. How do we stop them from committing murderous rampage?
We need to remember that as a percentage of all shootings, mass shooting is very small. This is a problem with our "if it bleeds - it leads" media who refuses to provide context. A media that only reports shootings when they occur in predominantly white suburbs.
One solution is to shoot them on sight. Seems as though citizens and the police are getting good at shooting the shooters. I think people are accepting that "a good guy with a gun" does work. More folks are carrying a handgun legally and willing to intervene decisively.
Another way is a reference system. For example, if the buyer is male and under 25, he would provide a character reference. It could be a person or it could be transcripts - or maybe both (FOID card). Since firearm permits are used in a couple of states already, maybe there is some measurable efficacy.
Perhaps we don't need to do anything other than focus on not making INCELS in the first place.
I'll add more if some brilliance pops into my head - enough for now.