1.1 million people in the US have died from Covid. Yet I read that not only do we know that Covid is an engineered virus that escaped from a Chinese lab, but the NIH is funding research into a deadly version of Monkey pox as well.
But what does the American media focus on? Trump.
Why does the American media focus on Trump? Because more Americans hate Trump than those who are angry about tax dollars funding research into stuff that has killed a million of us.
Let's see, on the one hand I have a populist former President who put a porn star under NDA and on the other I have a Government funded virus that killed over 1.1 million people. Have I got it right?
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real mental disorder marked by an irrational hatred of all things Trump.
Now I can understand hating the man if he shafted you in a business deal, slept with your mother, or his limo ran over your puppy.
When I've asked folks why they hate Trump, they struggle to articulate their reasoning. They often drift off into incoherent babbling about supposed crimes he's committed. Some continue to believe Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary in 2016.
TDS blinds people to what is important.
I think TDS is a symptom of tribe mentality. I think it started during the Clinton administration (Newt Gingrich) and became a source of government dysfunction during Bush's 2nd term (Nancy Pelosi).
I've read that TDS is a Baby Boomer problem as that generation has never faced a crisis requiring focus and compromise. The Duster generation (greatest generation) focused on what was good for America and would work across parties to get things done.
Again, TDS blinds people to what is important.
If Biden runs again, and I think he will, his theme will be "NOT TRUMP" again. Why? Not because he is an embarrassment, but because it works. It worked in the mid-terms and I believe the Democrat election cabal can make it last through 2024.
Remember, it was GenZ, arguably the most mal-educated generation to ever cast a ballot, that voted into the Senate a man who cannot understand speech (Fetterman). Who reelected a woman to the House who is woefully ignorant and the butt of jokes(AOC). And of course voted a dementia patient to be POTUS (Biden).
GenZ, read "Sarah has two mommies", but not Orwell's "1984" or "Animal Farm", and never heard of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" or "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". Never taught about the Russian 73yr experiment "Soviet Union" or Castro's Cuba. Such a mal-educated mess - will they ever wise up!?
So while our Government funds research into science that has the potential to wipe out all human life - a million times more dangerous than nuclear weapons, what does our media focus on? Trump
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