Friday, December 01, 2023

A clock with only a second hand

 I like to be right - most folks do. It bugs me when I discover that my view on a subject is factually wrong - especially when I've been misled by media. Shame on me because I've known, since the 2016 Trump presidency, not to take anything the American media purports at face value.

The Nord Stream pipeline bombing. The American media has been very quiet about this event, likely because President Joe Biden authorized the pipeline destruction.

I was misled by media reports on the details. It wasn't until I stumbled upon Erik Andersson's (Swedish engineer) substack that I got a scientifically correct analysis. I was always bothered by the media report that a couple of divers carried down enough explosives to lift ~700,000lbs of steel/concrete pipe out of it's trench. The scale of explosion necessary was more in line with anti-ship mines, not a few hundred pounds of explosives.

What Erik noted, that the media left out, is that two of the three bombed pipes were pressurized to 164 bar (~2400psi). When the explosives cut the 1.6" thick steel 4 foot diameter pipe, the escaping gas generated thrust of ~1.5 SpaceX Merlin engines. The thrust was more than adequate to cause the pipe to whip around up and out of the trench it was originally laid in. 

So I was duped by the mindless media, again.

If you want the real analysis of the pipeline event, read Erik's fine analysis. And thank God for independent minds having an outlet to counter the brain sludge of the mainstream media.

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