Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Warning Biden Can't Understand

 It is frightening to have a dementia patient for POTUS.

I used to feel secure in the knowledge that the Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation with the CIA, was keeping an eye on the Jihadists. Dealing with them before they had a chance to set foot in the US. But I don't have that secure feeling anymore. Mainly because the FBI is busy looking for those elusive White Supremacists that Merrick Garland thinks have infiltrated PTA meetings. And the fact that the southern border has been wide open for 3+ years.

Russia just suffered a terrorist attack where 130+ civilians were massacred by four muslim men at a large public venue. Putin looks like a moron for ignoring Western warnings of the attack. The Russians are brutalizing the perpetrators, which is a sign of immaturity. The deed is done and Russia lost.

Now you would think that Biden's support staff would wake him up, give him some ice cream, a dose of Adderall, prepare him a fiery speech about domestic security, prop him up at a podium, point him at the teleprompter, and have him reassure the American public that he is (a) aware of the real dangers and (b) actually directing his minions to take it seriously. But, you know, Biden's priorities seem to be winning reelection by imprisoning Trump.

So I'm afraid an attack is going to happen and Biden will pull an Obama by standing on the bodies of the victims yelling for gun control - or some other irrelevant feel-good reaction.

I remember the Beslan School siege in Russia. I remember the Las Vegas concert massacre (that the FBI never solved). So far, the most recent shootings have been stopped by the public. But there are a lot of places where the public is denied self-defense. We're in danger of a lot of attacks - we don't have a handle on who has crossed into the US.

If only we had a POTUS who was cognisant of the dangers - somebody who cared.

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