Sunday, August 25, 2024

RFK's Endorsement of Trump

 I listened to the entire 45 minute speech.

 Now I understand why Robert Kennedy's supporters are so ardent and why the "seething liberal darkness" (DNC and media) worked so hard to keep him muzzled.

RFK is a combination of intellect, courage, patriotism, focus and discipline - way beyond anything the Democrats have currently.

Trump is smart, but lacks depth. Trump is brave and could've made a good UFC fighter in his youth. Trump loves America, no doubt. Trump is focused. Trump likes to "riff" during speeches - and they run too long. And ultimately, (pardon my French), a lot of the Government is fucked way beyond one man's repair - Trump needs an army of folks to get things done.

I agree wholeheartedly with RFK about Ukraine, the money influence in the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the very obvious children's health crisis. I loved how he pushed climate change to the side. I had to Google "Mitochondrial diseases" to understand his concern - and I learned something (very rare in political speeches).

I hope RFK's endorsement puts Trump in the Whitehouse. And I hope President Trump can use RFK maximally.

Glad I listened to the full speech instead of the 20 second snippet and smear done by CNN (a pox be upon them).

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The disgusting media ignorance of Islam

The above is a very straightforward overview of Islam. I put this together in 2007, so some details are dated and Hamas is not covered. If you peruse this material you'll be ahead.

Right now, the British libtards are rounding up and prosecuting white people who are protesting the British government's immigration policy of allowing Muslims in and not forcing Muslims to integrate into British society. If you want an example of "fascism" this is it.

I will say this as plainly as possible: Muslims from the impoverished middle east are not capable of participating in Western democracy

Basically any strain of Islam influenced by the Hanbalite school of law is incompatible with Western democracy. These Muslims will not integrate, they will not obey non-Sharia law, and many will heed the call to strike "the Great Satan' (the US).

We have had a number of mass killings in the US carried out by Muslims. Even Britain, with it's restrictive laws, has suffered a number of mass stabbings - by Muslims.

The media is soooo stupid, (or DEI blind), that they don't realize someone can become a muslim in an instant and be "radicalized" (called up to jihad). We've seen it happen with white American males and it is very common with those from the middle east. The 17 year old who killed the girls was prime to be "converted" and given a mission.

"From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli" goes the Marines theme. The US has been battling Islam for over 200 years. But there are generations now that have never been taught this.

I understand the desire to help out the "have nots", but just like with Afghanistan, Americans need to understand that these people are "have not" because of Islam and they will never change.