Sunday, August 25, 2024

RFK's Endorsement of Trump

 I listened to the entire 45 minute speech.

 Now I understand why Robert Kennedy's supporters are so ardent and why the "seething liberal darkness" (DNC and media) worked so hard to keep him muzzled.

RFK is a combination of intellect, courage, patriotism, focus and discipline - way beyond anything the Democrats have currently.

Trump is smart, but lacks depth. Trump is brave and could've made a good UFC fighter in his youth. Trump loves America, no doubt. Trump is focused. Trump likes to "riff" during speeches - and they run too long. And ultimately, (pardon my French), a lot of the Government is fucked way beyond one man's repair - Trump needs an army of folks to get things done.

I agree wholeheartedly with RFK about Ukraine, the money influence in the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the very obvious children's health crisis. I loved how he pushed climate change to the side. I had to Google "Mitochondrial diseases" to understand his concern - and I learned something (very rare in political speeches).

I hope RFK's endorsement puts Trump in the Whitehouse. And I hope President Trump can use RFK maximally.

Glad I listened to the full speech instead of the 20 second snippet and smear done by CNN (a pox be upon them).

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