Monday, December 11, 2023

Biden's War(s)

 I sit here in my living room this advent season remembering Linus's lines from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special - "Peace on Earth and Good Will to all Men". 

Then I started thinking about the Ukraine war and my blood pressure rises. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the US estimates that about 210,000 troops have died in the Ukraine conflict in less than 2 years.

My father, a WWII vet, said work for peace, but if you have to fight, you can't do it sitting with your hands folded. His generation understood.

I remember Vietnam. A limited conflict micromanaged by politicians lasting a decade and killing ~58,000 US troops.

NATO. Make no mistake, the principal partner in NATO is the US. Germany is a distant 2nd. The current leader of the US is Joe Biden.

When Russia invaded with tanks, the US gave the Ukraine fighters Javelin missiles. Russia has now lost 4380 tanks. But the Javelin has a very short usable range, so the Russians learned to use artillery instead of mechanized infantry. 

The US gave the Ukraine fighters artillery, but only with ammunition that has a shorter range than the Russians. Ukraine losses mounted. In fact, the majority of the death is due to artillery.

The US then gave the Ukraine fighters the HMAR missile system, but only with the short range missiles. Ukraine pushed the Russian artillery back. But Russia then turned to cruise missiles and aircraft.

Then the US gave the Ukraine fighters a couple Patriot batteries, but only enough range to stop direct air strikes well within Ukraine. Russia continued with cruise missiles destroying civilian infrastructure. To date, the US hasn't given Ukraine any means of stopping cruise missiles.

Other NATO members wanted to give Ukraine Russian aircraft - stuff Ukraine pilots and support were trained on, but Joe Biden quashed that. The US says they are giving Ukraine F16s - probably too little, too late.

In case it is not obvious by now, I believe Joe Biden's micromanaging is just more incompetence by his administration.

The Biden administration incompetence is killing soldiers at a rate not seen since WWI. And the US media is covering for him.

Russia is an old toothless 3 legged dog that lies in its bed and barks at shadows. But Joe Biden's administration is afraid. So the killing continues.

This micromanaging of the Ukraine war smells of Barack Obama - the guy with the red lines in Syria. The guy's successor, Donald Trump, destroyed ISIS in 6 months.

The media is running stories now that America has grown tired of Ukraine support. Probably trying to condition Americans for Biden bailing/abandoning - just like Afghanistan. After all, Joe is trying to get reelected and Ukraine is starting to be viewed negatively. I can't imagine that I am the only person to notice the rank incompetence.

Friday, December 01, 2023

A clock with only a second hand

 I like to be right - most folks do. It bugs me when I discover that my view on a subject is factually wrong - especially when I've been misled by media. Shame on me because I've known, since the 2016 Trump presidency, not to take anything the American media purports at face value.

The Nord Stream pipeline bombing. The American media has been very quiet about this event, likely because President Joe Biden authorized the pipeline destruction.

I was misled by media reports on the details. It wasn't until I stumbled upon Erik Andersson's (Swedish engineer) substack that I got a scientifically correct analysis. I was always bothered by the media report that a couple of divers carried down enough explosives to lift ~700,000lbs of steel/concrete pipe out of it's trench. The scale of explosion necessary was more in line with anti-ship mines, not a few hundred pounds of explosives.

What Erik noted, that the media left out, is that two of the three bombed pipes were pressurized to 164 bar (~2400psi). When the explosives cut the 1.6" thick steel 4 foot diameter pipe, the escaping gas generated thrust of ~1.5 SpaceX Merlin engines. The thrust was more than adequate to cause the pipe to whip around up and out of the trench it was originally laid in. 

So I was duped by the mindless media, again.

If you want the real analysis of the pipeline event, read Erik's fine analysis. And thank God for independent minds having an outlet to counter the brain sludge of the mainstream media.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Supporting the meat grinder

 I was curious about the Ukraine/Russia war death toll. So I started scouring various sources and soon discovered huge discrepancies in reported casualties. So I finally decided to go with US intelligence estimates and that's when it hit me.

The US lost ~405,000 in WWII,  ~37,000 in Korea, ~58,000 in Vietnam, ~6300 in Iraq & Afghanistan. Of note, we were 8 years in Iraq and 20 years in Afghanistan. 

The US Intelligence estimates ~120,000 Russian and ~90,000 Ukraine dead. Over 200,000 dead in 18 months.

6300 dead by a first-rate military action spanning decades versus 200,000 dead by 3rd-rate military action spanning a year and a half.

It should be obvious to thinking people that the Ukraine/Russia war is killing a ridiculous number of soldiers. 

It should also cause thinking people to ask "Why the hell are we supporting this carnage?

Pretty clear that Russia is no longer a conventional military threat. Russian GDP at $1.4 trillion is no match for the $12 Trillion Chinese or $22 Trillion US GDPs. Essentially Russia is a shrunken turd of a country we could completely ignore if not for their nuclear weapons.

So now I'm wondering why we are involved with NATO? NATO's sole purpose was to counter the now non-existent USSR. 

And I'm also wondering why we aren't dragging Ukraine and Russia to the bargaining table to end this meat grinder conflict. I don't expect much out of the current POTUS, but it seems that the Military Industrial Complex Ike warned us about is making a lot of money off the dead bodies.

Our media won't report on it, but it is hard to ignore 200,000 lives lost.

Damn, but I'm beginning to think Trump was right again.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Vetting the AI

 Ever wonder why anyone cares what schools were attended, what GPA was earned, what papers were published in peer reviewed journals?

Or how senior someone is and whether or not they are respected in their vocation?

We screen prospective candidates for important positions - we just don't let anyone become a Supreme Court Justice who "feels like it" (and most of them can explain what is a woman). We wouldn't pay attention to Jordan Peterson if he were just a grumpy Canadian convenience store owner.

This process of checking out "experts" before we place them in important roles is called "vetting". We do it all the time in everyday life.

Do you know why we pay more attention to a 65yr old's advice than the noise from a 20yr old's pie hole? Because the senior citizen likely knows much more than the college kid with their preferred pronouns written on their shirt.  Older people generally know more because they've lived more.

Who is vetting the AIs in use?

Lets say someone custom designs and trains an AI application to decide who to parole. The idea is to reduce the manpower & time (cost) to make thousands of decisions. Guaranteed that the people using the AI application will NOT understand it, nor will they be able to evaluate it's performance. If the AI has a bias, how will it be detected? How will the errors be rectified? (This exact scenario happened).

Again, who is vetting the AI?

The media, as usual, has got it wrong. The first problem we face with with AI isn't SkyNet (Terminator), the first problem is vetting the AI applications before they are in the hands of  unsophisticated users.

We pay attention to Dr. Jordan Peterson because of his education, his teaching, his publishing, his clinical work and his public speaking. About 35 years of "work experience" we can reference and review. Peterson, like him or not, is vetted.

Finally, who is vetting the AI?

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Stopping INCELs


Young men without purpose have always been a problem in every culture. Military and marriage seemed to be the most successful remedies.

Involuntary Celibate - losers. These are young men emotionally incapable of competing in life. They can't lose and learn from it, nor can they win and benefit from it. They can't attract a mate, and they aren't accepted by matured men. We can discuss why they, INCELs, are they way they are another time. I'd like to focus on dealing with their propensity to want to kill a bunch of innocent people.

The media only focuses on shootings when they can be used to advance a narrative. A "narrative" is a story used to explain why things happen and in so doing often misleads the listener. When something shockingly bad happens, naive people are susceptible to really stupid narratives. Right now the media is advancing the narrative that the availability of a certain weapon is the reason for the shootings.

But thinking people reject such blatantly stupid narrative - after all, 99.9999% of owners of "guns of the narrative" do not commit mass shootings.

Who does commit mass shootings? Muslims, crazy people, INCELs. I've researched every mass shooting starting with Columbine and I haven't found one that doesn't fit into one of my neat & tidy categories. But I'm a nobody who is doing nothing more than the obvious.

But back to INCELs. Emotionally stunted losers. No criminal record. No mental health intervention. They pass the NICS background check. Guys that everyone around them knows something is off. How do we stop them from committing murderous rampage? 

We need to remember that as a percentage of all shootings, mass shooting is very small. This is a problem with our "if it bleeds - it leads" media who refuses to provide context. A media that only reports shootings when they occur in predominantly white suburbs.

One solution is to shoot them on sight. Seems as though citizens and the police are getting good at shooting the shooters. I think people are accepting that "a good guy with a gun" does work. More folks are carrying a handgun legally and willing to intervene decisively. 

Another way is a reference system. For example, if the buyer is male and under 25, he would provide a character reference. It could be a person or it could be transcripts - or maybe both (FOID card). Since firearm permits are used in a couple of states already, maybe there is some measurable efficacy.

Perhaps we don't need to do anything other than focus on not making INCELS in the first place.

I'll add more if some brilliance pops into my head - enough for now.

The Slime Rodents Will Win This One

 I'm talking about the Durham Report.

At the conclusion of a long investigation, we now know definitively that the FBI colluded with the Clinton campaign and the media to:

  • Stop Donald Trump from being elected
  • Unseat a sitting President
 So does the media report on this? Nope.

So at this point in history, Hillary Clinton's political career is over and the FBI is the Democrat goon squad.

From my perspective, the Deep State, Swamp, whatever you call it, has won a battle. A battle to maintain some semblance of blind justice, free from political corruption.

We no longer have a free press.

We no longer have an unbiased DOJ.

We do not have a cognitively capable POTUS.

We no longer have an image above a banana belt junta in the world's eyes.

Can we repair this in November 2024? Yes, I believe so. Will we? No, because GenZ believes the goal of stopping Trump justified the means of doing it.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

The Continuing Power of TDS

 1.1 million people in the US have died from Covid. Yet I read that not only do we know that Covid is an engineered virus that escaped from a Chinese lab, but the NIH is funding research into a deadly version of Monkey pox as well.

But what does the American media focus on? Trump.

Why does the American media focus on Trump? Because more Americans hate Trump than those who are angry about tax dollars funding research into stuff that has killed a million of us.

Let's see, on the one hand I have a populist former President who put a porn star under NDA and on the other I have a Government funded virus that killed over 1.1 million people. Have I got it right?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real mental disorder marked by an irrational hatred of all things Trump.

Now I can understand hating the man if he shafted you in a business deal, slept with your mother, or his limo ran over your puppy.

When I've asked folks why they hate Trump, they struggle to articulate their reasoning. They often drift off into incoherent babbling about supposed crimes he's committed. Some continue to believe Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary in 2016.

TDS blinds people to what is important.

I think TDS is a symptom of tribe mentality. I think it started during the Clinton administration (Newt Gingrich) and became a source of government dysfunction during Bush's 2nd term (Nancy Pelosi). 

I've read that TDS is a Baby Boomer problem as that generation has never faced a crisis requiring focus and compromise. The Duster generation (greatest generation) focused on what was good for America and would work across parties to get things done.

Again, TDS blinds people to what is important.

If Biden runs again, and I think he will, his theme will be "NOT TRUMP" again. Why? Not because he is an embarrassment, but because it works. It worked in the mid-terms and I believe the Democrat election cabal can make it last through 2024.

Remember, it was GenZ, arguably the most mal-educated generation to ever cast a ballot, that voted into the Senate a man who cannot understand speech (Fetterman). Who reelected a woman to the House who is woefully ignorant and the butt of jokes(AOC). And of course voted a dementia patient to be POTUS (Biden).

GenZ, read "Sarah has two mommies", but not Orwell's "1984" or "Animal Farm", and never heard of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" or "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". Never taught about the Russian 73yr experiment "Soviet Union" or Castro's Cuba. Such a mal-educated mess - will they ever wise up!?

So while our Government funds research into science that has the potential to wipe out all human life - a million times more dangerous than nuclear weapons, what does our media focus on? Trump

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Not Hard to Believe at All

Not hard to believe at all.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has released a darned good expose on how the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline Sept/2022. I sure do miss the days of investigative journalism.

If this were a criminal investigation, you'd have to agree that the US had motive, opportunity, and capability. Biden is on record saying he was going to do something about the pipeline. Doesn't require an inspector Jacques Clouseau to solve this mystery.

Moving 50 meters of that pipe would require thousands of pounds of explosives — not something a team of divers can do. So it would appear that mines were laid. The pipe diameter is 48″, wall thickness is 1.6″, each section is 39′ and weighs 48,000lbs. 164′ of pipe has been displaced/removed/shredded - no longer in the trench were it was laid. There is about 100' separation between pipes - 3 of the 4 pipes were destroyed. A very big bunch of KABOOMS indeed.

I would imagine those responsible for planning this were worried mostly about the blowback from Germany, as the Germans are in the midst of a cold winter without Russian natural gas.

Edward Snowden, now a  citizen of Russia, commented in support of Hersh's theory. Sad that so few challenge our biased media and Government disinformation. The Twitter files have shown us how far the FBI and DHS will go to censor stories and people — why would any thinking person doubt that the Biden administration would lie about their deed. Pre-Musk, Twitter would've suspended Hersh's account at the Government's request.

Russia is a tiny economy and is powerless to punish the US. However Germany is Europe's largest economy and could do something — if they wanted to. Somehow I suspect we're selling them LNG at a very good price.

Friday, February 03, 2023

About Fricking Time

Waaaayy back in 2020, while everyone was divided into their camps of "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed", I was screaming into the internet emptiness "mRNA VACCINES CAUSE CELL DEATH!". But nobody paid attention because (a) I'm a nobody and (b) the NIH, CDC, and FDA were silent on the subject.

It took a long time for me to learn this, as Google had done a great job of sanitizing Covid information so that only Fauci's narrative was put forth. I happened to watch a video by a developer of mRNA technology who let slip the fact that any cell expressing the spike protein would be destroyed by the immune system. Duh - made perfect sense.

I may not have a medical background, but it certainly wasn't nuclear rocket science to see that you damn well didn't want to inject mRNA vaccine into a blood vessel. And it wasn't hard to believe that nano lipid particles might be hard to corral into one place.

Now, if you pay attention, various people are talking about mRNA vaccines causing cell death in places where we don't want cells dying - like the heart.

OK, so what's my point? We let the Government (NIH, CDC, FDA) lie to us. We allowed our media to lie to us. And I haven't seen Fauci walk to the gallows yet - but that is the subject of another rant.

I got vaccinated and boosted. Why? Because at my age and health the danger of the pre-omicron variants was much greater than the risk from the mRNA vaccine. I made an informed decision. I'm not so sure about parents who had their children vaccinated.

The pandemic is over - time to analyze what we did right versus wrong. 

  • Was Fauci's 1960's public policy of treating Americans like mushrooms (feed us shit and keep us in the dark) the best approach?
  • Was Fauci's effort to demonize any prophylactic treatment in order to encourage vaccination, (which directly caused the deaths of a couple hundred thousand Americans too stupid to get vaxxed), the right tradeoff?
  • Was the Government collusion with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the legacy media to stifle the exchange of information warranted?
  • And finally, why haven't we replaced the FDA, CDC and NIH with a completely public funded super agency? 

Unfortunately, nobody in Congress outside of perhaps Senator Rand Paul, has any interest in fixing our pandemic response. 

Too bad we don't have an independent investigative media anymore.

Monday, January 16, 2023

It's Been Awhile

 The 2020 election shocked me - Trump got his ass whipped by a dementia patient hiding out in his basement.

Now Trump might still not want to admit it, but he got beat by some mighty fine, (and legal), electioneering. 

And it is sad that there are so many painfully stupid people who hate Trump because the media told them to do so.

So we've been living with a puppet for POTUS, a man having a great day when he doesn't shit himself on national TV. A man controlled by Ron Klaine and Susan Rice. A man who says, promotes and signs what he is told - a puppet.

The sad thing is that the uber-stupid generation called "GenZ" demonstrated that they are also puppets - as shown by their voting party line for Democrats during the mid-terms. Can anyone honestly defend electing a stroke patient to the Senate? Gonna be a rough couple of decades until GenZ wises up.

Joe Biden has done just about everything wrong. In fact, I can't point to one thing he has done right. But Joe is in dementia bliss - he doesn't give a shit.

Now that the House is Republican, it almost appears that the Progressive Left has discarded Joe like a used Kleenex. Suddenly he is racking up problems with misplaced Classified material at his home, tax problems from payoffs from his son. I get the feeling that the Media is no longer covering for Joe.

Inflation beat the hell out of me in 2022. I keep waiting for the day Fauci is walked to the gallows. And Ukraine has showed us that Russia is a 3rd rate military. "Should Trump run?" seems to be the big question and there are still about 40 million voters who think Joe Biden is a great President.

Elon Musk has done us all a great service by showing the Government sponsored censorship of social media (Google, Facebook, Twitter). He should receive the highest civilian honor.

2023 is going to be fun.