Monday, December 30, 2024

My Thoughts on Reality

 I like Donald Trump as POTUS, and I despise Joe Biden. I think that sums up 51% of American voters at this time. The Biden administration is like the stench of an outhouse used by smokers with diarrhea in July.

But I guarantee that Trump is going to stink a bit too - he just isn't on the throne yet. There is campaign Trump and POTUS Trump. I'm not saying Trump is phony like Obama & Biden, because he is not, but I am saying that we need to begin to steel ourselves for reality.

Trump has assembled the best team I've seen since I started voting (Jimmy Carter over Gerald Ford). They are talented but naive. Or perhaps we are naive - still giddy from the victory.

The "swamp" is still in place. The swamp didn't dry up because Trump won, in fact the swamp is more powerful than ever in part because of demented Biden's "fuck you America" actions in his final months. What a shit stain in America's undies..

My prediction is pretty simple, not scientific, based on my gut and is two time intervals - 4 and 20 years. Trump has about a 20% chance of affecting major change in the function of the US government in 4 years. That number increases to 50% at 20 years.

The fight with the swamp will be terrible and will likely destroy much of Trump's team. Senate Republicans, (50% of the swamp), are not going to quietly give up Pharma and Defense industry money, nor will they forgo reelection by fighting the various Federal employee unions. It is not evident to me that Trump has someone on his staff capable of coordinating the attack on the swamp. A frontal attack is suicidal.

However, there are some vulnerable Federal agencies that can be whacked or shuffled. They make up the 20%. Since 80% of an agency's budget is payroll, ( and harder than hell to layoff Federal employees), it is very unlikely that Trump can realize the $2 trillion reduction identified by DOGE. But maybe they will claw back some savings. At least a couple hundred pages of regulations will die.

At the end of 4 years Trump will be spent, Musk will have ships on Mars, Vivek will be helping his children with high school homework, and Tulsi's hair will be snow white. They will have attempted much, accomplished little, but changed the course of the very large ship America.

The course change will slowly set a new direction for America over the next 20 years. There are a number of "Trumps" waiting in the wings of the Republican party. The Democrats have yet to figure out how to get back to center, so I think they will struggle for another election cycle. And when they purge the Democrat party of the leftist loons, their new found centrism will continue the course set by MAGA - perhaps improving.

4 years bloody and bruised. 20 years a revived world leadership. Sober up folks.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cannonball into the swamp

 The biggest obstacle to Trump's agenda is not the US House crazies. The Nancy Pelosi obstruction of Trump's first term will not happen.

The problem is the Senate, particularly Senate Republicans. These creatures ARE the swamp. This is the wannabe ruling class power brokers who have much to lose from Trump's team running roughshod over the Federal bureaucracy.

The first indication of trouble came with the election of S. Dakota Senator Thune. The man does not have the backbone or smarts to whip his Senate colleges into compliance. He's already caved on recess appointments. Thune is certainly better than the reptile Senator John Cornyn, but he's a far cry from MAGA supporter Senator Rick Scott.

The Senate majority leader election showed that the Senate Republicans don't want much to change. Is that a problem? I think so because a chunk of  the Biden legislation needs to be repealed. E.g. do you really want your next car to have a backdoor kill switch that authorities can use whenever without a warrant or due process? These are the same idiots that fired people for not getting vaxed, locked down schools, etc. Well that backdoor kill switch was mandated by Brandon, although I doubt he knew it.

What about the very obvious changes needed to the FDA? Do you think the non-MAGA Senate reptiles are going to give up all that Big Pharma money just because Robert Kennedy says so?

Gonna be a rough couple years IMO.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Future Cat Ladies

 Trump has won, the sun feels ever so warm, the fall colors are beautiful. "I'm thinking to myself - what a wonderful world"

But for those who were heavily invested in a Harris victory, the world is a black & white dystopia where they live in fear that the Orcs of Mordor will soon overtake them.

I recently read "The Parasitic Mind" by Gad Saad that provided pretty good arguments for Trump Derangement Syndrome, the woke mind virus, and the brainwashing than occurs when you submit yourself to a constrained information bubble. It made me consider my "bubble".

The wailing and gnashing of teeth on X by Harris supporters was funny for awhile. After a day though, it ceased to be humorous and it seemed as though I was watching the mentally ill - not funny at all.

Worst of all are the young women punishing Trump supporting men by not dating and withholding sex. I guess this is where their mal-educated views of human behavior are going to get a wake up - their clocks will keep ticking. Time is not on their side.

Meanwhile I'm thinking of investing in pet food stocks - especially cat food.

Monday, October 28, 2024

My Bubble

 I'm anxious about the election. I can't imagine Trump losing, but I know that a lot of libtards aren't voting for Harris as much as not Trump. TDS is very real.

I remember the 2022 midterms. I was shocked at how well the Democrats did even with Biden's abject failures, dementia,  and policies. The country appeared to be rejecting the woke mind virus, yet far-left liberals did quite well. PA voters elected a stroke victim who couldn't understand speech. I remember well the feeling that I didn't understand the mood of the country.

Here I am in 2024, days from an important election. Harris is obviously in over her head and electing her means you're OK with a puppet for 4 years. Trump, oth, is Trump - a tried and true leader. This time he has organized the "avengers" - a team of highly talented people to help him get his administration off to a good start. The choice should be clear. Should be..

I am guilty of blaming our country's woes on GenZ, but that is part of my bubble.

I think that I'm in a bubble partially of my own making. A bubble bias reinforced by X, YouTube and my extended circle. And I may be shocked at the outcome of this election.

I've already walked away from Facebook and Instagram. I never pay attention to the legacy media. I view TikTok as a Chinese psyop tool pointed at GenZ and avoid it. But I have put in the screen time on X, and it has algorithms too.

I know the sun will rise and set even if shit-for-brains Harris wins - life will go on. But I am thinking about my bubble.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Election season burnout

 The election is over - Trump has won.

I'm so tired of sifting through the pseudo-news looking for meaningful tidbits. Sometimes it seems like I'm panning gold in the outflow of a 55" sewer pipe.

The MainStream Media (ABC,CBS,CNN,NBC,MSNBC) has been working overtime to praise Kamala in the Whitehouse. She hasn't said or done anything to change her dismal pre-candidacy polling - the only thing that has changed is the liberal media coverage. Worked for awhile, but voters are starting to get serious, and Kamala is not a serious choice.

I know there are a lot of people who occupy the left side of the IQ distribution who will vote "not Trump", but they are aren't enough alone to elect her. Not even if we include the usual Democrat cheat factor. I do remember the 2022 midterms and I'm sure the "stupidest generation" (GenZ) will choose Kamala's "joy". PT Barnum has a quote about that.

So Trump is in. Normal people can rejoice. Rational people can breath a sigh of relief.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

RFK's Endorsement of Trump

 I listened to the entire 45 minute speech.

 Now I understand why Robert Kennedy's supporters are so ardent and why the "seething liberal darkness" (DNC and media) worked so hard to keep him muzzled.

RFK is a combination of intellect, courage, patriotism, focus and discipline - way beyond anything the Democrats have currently.

Trump is smart, but lacks depth. Trump is brave and could've made a good UFC fighter in his youth. Trump loves America, no doubt. Trump is focused. Trump likes to "riff" during speeches - and they run too long. And ultimately, (pardon my French), a lot of the Government is fucked way beyond one man's repair - Trump needs an army of folks to get things done.

I agree wholeheartedly with RFK about Ukraine, the money influence in the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the very obvious children's health crisis. I loved how he pushed climate change to the side. I had to Google "Mitochondrial diseases" to understand his concern - and I learned something (very rare in political speeches).

I hope RFK's endorsement puts Trump in the Whitehouse. And I hope President Trump can use RFK maximally.

Glad I listened to the full speech instead of the 20 second snippet and smear done by CNN (a pox be upon them).

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The disgusting media ignorance of Islam

The above is a very straightforward overview of Islam. I put this together in 2007, so some details are dated and Hamas is not covered. If you peruse this material you'll be ahead.

Right now, the British libtards are rounding up and prosecuting white people who are protesting the British government's immigration policy of allowing Muslims in and not forcing Muslims to integrate into British society. If you want an example of "fascism" this is it.

I will say this as plainly as possible: Muslims from the impoverished middle east are not capable of participating in Western democracy

Basically any strain of Islam influenced by the Hanbalite school of law is incompatible with Western democracy. These Muslims will not integrate, they will not obey non-Sharia law, and many will heed the call to strike "the Great Satan' (the US).

We have had a number of mass killings in the US carried out by Muslims. Even Britain, with it's restrictive laws, has suffered a number of mass stabbings - by Muslims.

The media is soooo stupid, (or DEI blind), that they don't realize someone can become a muslim in an instant and be "radicalized" (called up to jihad). We've seen it happen with white American males and it is very common with those from the middle east. The 17 year old who killed the girls was prime to be "converted" and given a mission.

"From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli" goes the Marines theme. The US has been battling Islam for over 200 years. But there are generations now that have never been taught this.

I understand the desire to help out the "have nots", but just like with Afghanistan, Americans need to understand that these people are "have not" because of Islam and they will never change.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Harris? Really!? What a month!

 Trump survives a shooting and gets an iconic photo Op - his fist pump and "FIGHT" made history.

The DEI hire head of the Secret Service appears before Congress and plays the role of an incompetent buffoon perfectly. 

And Joe Biden finally gives up and throws his support behind  his DEI pick - VP Harris.

Now we'll all have to wait for the August Democrat convention to see if anybody actually wants Harris.

I can tell you that Tulsi Gabbard showed us all how to destroy Harris 4 years ago and I know full well Trump remembers. Remember the video short of Bambi vs Godzilla?

It is possible that Trump can do the impossible - cure TDS. All he needs to do is show the really, really, really stupid Biden supporters that he is not, as Biden said repeatedly, an "existential threat to our Democracy".

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Well that was weird

 I'm a nobody and I certainly don't get paid to strategize winning an election.


I would not have put Biden in front of the American public debating Trump.

Biden was suffering from dementia back in 2020 when campaigned from his basement. Now he's having a good day when he doesn't shit himself in public.

So Trump savaged Biden - no surprise to any thinking person. I was surprised that they showed the mauling to the entire nation.

It is good that libtards finally see who they've been supporting. I realize that few libtards will change their vote, but they'll have to endure much ridicule if they use the canard "Trump lies" to excuse voting for a dementia patient.

So now there appears to be a scramble to replace the duly elected cadaver with someone capable of beating Trump. Fun times ahead.

Monday, May 27, 2024

A Rememberance

 In April of 1942, a 19 year old from Glendive Montana died on the Bataan Death march, in the Philippines. Thousands of miles away from his home. His older brother was taken prisoner less than month later when Corregidor was surrendered and spent the next 3 years and 5 months in Japanese prison camps. Two kids from the far end of Montana who joined the Army and sent their pay home to support their family destitute from the Depression.

The older brother survived the war and named his first born son after his kid brother. And I wear that name proudly.

I take this Memorial day to remember. I know the day doesn't mean something to everyone, but it does me.

It is good to remember.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Flip flop for votes

 Joe Biden is a politician.

Joe is not a leader. Joe is not a deep thinker. Joe is not loyal.  Joe doesn't care about the pain and suffering his policies cause. In fact, most days Joe is doing good not to shit his pants on national TV.

So Joe stops shipments of munitions to Israel so the Joe can pick up Muslim votes in swing states. That's what a politician does - not what a leader should do.

I am disgusted by Joe Biden's actions.

What bothers me most are the voters who think Joe is doing a good job - about 38% according to polls.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Warning Biden Can't Understand

 It is frightening to have a dementia patient for POTUS.

I used to feel secure in the knowledge that the Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation with the CIA, was keeping an eye on the Jihadists. Dealing with them before they had a chance to set foot in the US. But I don't have that secure feeling anymore. Mainly because the FBI is busy looking for those elusive White Supremacists that Merrick Garland thinks have infiltrated PTA meetings. And the fact that the southern border has been wide open for 3+ years.

Russia just suffered a terrorist attack where 130+ civilians were massacred by four muslim men at a large public venue. Putin looks like a moron for ignoring Western warnings of the attack. The Russians are brutalizing the perpetrators, which is a sign of immaturity. The deed is done and Russia lost.

Now you would think that Biden's support staff would wake him up, give him some ice cream, a dose of Adderall, prepare him a fiery speech about domestic security, prop him up at a podium, point him at the teleprompter, and have him reassure the American public that he is (a) aware of the real dangers and (b) actually directing his minions to take it seriously. But, you know, Biden's priorities seem to be winning reelection by imprisoning Trump.

So I'm afraid an attack is going to happen and Biden will pull an Obama by standing on the bodies of the victims yelling for gun control - or some other irrelevant feel-good reaction.

I remember the Beslan School siege in Russia. I remember the Las Vegas concert massacre (that the FBI never solved). So far, the most recent shootings have been stopped by the public. But there are a lot of places where the public is denied self-defense. We're in danger of a lot of attacks - we don't have a handle on who has crossed into the US.

If only we had a POTUS who was cognisant of the dangers - somebody who cared.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Biden's March Madness

 Biden's State Of The Union (SOTU) address was a weird one. Biden seemed like an angry, agitated old man yelling at kids "GET OFF MY LAWN!". No idea if he was drugged, but his speech wasn't unifying nor did it rise above partisan politics. He lied a little more than normal and he skipped the issues people care about, focussing instead on Russia and Ukraine. I guess the SOTU was Biden's way of telling the Democratic faithful that he's not dead yet.

The following afternoon Biden gave a speech in Pennsylvania where he exhibited his usual babbling, freeze ups, and disorientation. Fortunately there weren't any steps.

Conservative news outlets railed against Biden's SOTU speech and Liberal news orifices gushed how Biden looked so full of energy. As we head towards November 5th, Biden will campaign from his basement again and the liberal media will cover for him.

America's stupidest generation, GenZ, will vote "NOT TRUMP" and Joe Biden will continue to be the puppet POTUS.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

February 2024 Ramblings

 I found the movie "The Imitation Game" to be a very well acted farce similar to "The Inglourious Basterds". Historically accurate in that there was a man named Alan Turing and WWII did happen. As TIB was accurate in that Hitler did exist and WWII did happen. Beyond that, the movies were entertaining make-believe. I feel sorry for those who might accept the movie nonsense as fact.

Speaking of nonsense - Joe Biden. I'm not sure the guy is going to make it to November. He just had a Federal prosecutor decline to indict over classified documents because Joe's mental capacity is that of a feeble old man. 

The border has me concerned. Over 34,000 Chinese immigrants illegally entered the US in 2023 (US Border Patrol contacts - so we can reliably assume a much higher number entered). Many of which were single men of military age. Bret Weinstein interviewed some of these men in Panama and found them very tight-lipped - not at all willing to divulge their reason for heading to the US. Whereas other immigrant groups would share how they were fleeing conflict, poverty, etc. Thousands of Chinese military?

I was hoping the border would force Biden's hand. But his handlers seem determined to leave the Border unsecured as long as possible. A game is being played with aid to Israel and Ukraine - it is almost as though Biden is willing to concede Ukraine to Putin in order to keep our Southern Border unsecured. This is like the movie where the plane is in a steep dive and you keep wondering when the pilot is going to pull up. Are Biden's handlers really going to destroy Biden for sake of future Democrat voters?

Back to young Chinese men in the US for a moment: I heard a rumor that they were buying guns and practicing in Idaho. But they can't legally buy guns and nothing has been reported in Idaho where I reside.

A second fear of Chinese military age men is the remembrance of the Beslan Russia school massacre in 2004 (Google it). I've been comforted that our security apparatus tracks known Islamic bad guys deals with them before they can carry out an atrocity. But what about PLA military? We have zero intelligence gathering on China's soil and we have little experience in dealing with a domestic military operation - as opposed to a couple of jihadist crazies. Schools to power stations - a lot of vulnerability.

I don't think Joe's going to reelected.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Watch Biden Morph

 2024 will be the year that old Joe will move to the center. Or at least his handlers will move him to the political center, as he is in dementia bliss.

Joe already backed off on his drilling permit delays and extraction tax, so the oil is flowing and the US is the world's largest oil producer. Accordingly, energy prices are down, reducing the inflation rate (rate, not past price increases which are now permanent). The Fed will lower the Prime, mortgage rates will fall (presently at 6.6%), people will buy and sell houses, which will drive the economy up. 

Regarding the southern border, the biggest issue with all voters, Joe will sign the Ukraine aid package which includes getting the border under control.

Voters will see the price of gas down sharply, their ability to qualify for a home loan improve, and the border somewhat under control. All in time for the election.

Will voters remember the 3 years of hell the decrepit Biden put them through? I think not.

Perhaps my predictions will not come to fruition. Perhaps Biden will bow out of the race before he decomposes. Perhaps Barack Obama come out and admit he's been pulling Joe's strings. Perhaps.

My final prediction: if Biden runs and  my other predictions hold, Biden will defeat Trump. There are just far too many stupid GenZ infected with TDS to ignore. Sucks, but true.

4 more years of a decomposing puppet. 4 more years of Barack Obama's failed foreign and domestic policies. 4 more years of America's decline. We may end up with the illegals leaving voluntarily.