Saturday, March 16, 2024

Biden's March Madness

 Biden's State Of The Union (SOTU) address was a weird one. Biden seemed like an angry, agitated old man yelling at kids "GET OFF MY LAWN!". No idea if he was drugged, but his speech wasn't unifying nor did it rise above partisan politics. He lied a little more than normal and he skipped the issues people care about, focussing instead on Russia and Ukraine. I guess the SOTU was Biden's way of telling the Democratic faithful that he's not dead yet.

The following afternoon Biden gave a speech in Pennsylvania where he exhibited his usual babbling, freeze ups, and disorientation. Fortunately there weren't any steps.

Conservative news outlets railed against Biden's SOTU speech and Liberal news orifices gushed how Biden looked so full of energy. As we head towards November 5th, Biden will campaign from his basement again and the liberal media will cover for him.

America's stupidest generation, GenZ, will vote "NOT TRUMP" and Joe Biden will continue to be the puppet POTUS.

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